Welcome to LiveLight|DwellDeep
I am Anna Robinson.
I am a contemplative, deeply drawn to the mystics and misfits, those who feel at home in the wilderness.
I host and curate space to be present, connect and listen to the longings of our own souls, to the earth, the world around us and that which is beyond us. To rediscover our inner wisdom and knowing and find wellness for all.
My spirituality grew through my connection to nature as a child, where I sensed a benevolence force in the wild spaces. It became anchored in the mystical, contemplative and Celtic traditions of Christianity in my 20’s with a drawing towards the Divine that has opened me up to an inclusive theology and as well as other wisdom traditions.
LiveLight|DwellDeep is about deeper meaning and purpose. Awakening the senses and spiritual awareness, to live consciously, kindly and bravely in changing landscapes.
Who is LiveLight|DwellDeep for?
This is a place for nomads, sojourners and spiritual seekers of any faith background or none. Those on the edges, the margins of institutional church, those who have left or have never been there in the first place but still long for a deeper connection with themselves, the earth, the Divine and others. Those who seek a depth of spirituality grounded in love and to live lightly in the world.
“True belonging is the spiritual practice of believing in and belonging to yourself so deeply that you can share your most authentic self with the world and find sacredness in both being a part of something and standing alone in the wilderness. True belonging doesn’t require you to change who you are; it requires you to be who you are.” Brene Brown, Braving the Wilderness
Nomad Podcast
In this episode Anna Robinson leads us in a meditation that explores the spirituality of the remarkable 14th Century mystic Julian of Norwich.
Read the latest blog post, Lent - Challenging the Negativity Bias.
By Anna Robinson.
Upcoming Retreats
Find out how to sign up to hear more about…
Anna records monthly audio meditations for Nomad Podcasts. Follow this link to find out more.
Anna curates, write and records audio meditations for peace and presence, for guidance and clarity, for joy and celebration, for lament and grief, for anxiety and fear. She writes from the honest and real experience of being human, imperfect and enough.
Open to all, from any faith background or none.
For anyone who would like to slow down and draw closer to their own soul, the world and the God/Source/the divine/Love.
Anna uses different spiritual tools and practices including: Ignation meditation: scripture, poetry and wisdom texts: Lectio Divina; silence; mindfulness; self compassion; breath work; bodywork.
To find out more, click here.
To join a mailing list for retreats, click here.
Going through a shift in faith, a deconstruction, a re-examining and re imaging of a held belief system, can be painful, scary, disorientating and often isolation. You may have left a church or still be in a church, all are welcome to join these groups. Everyone’s experience is different and each one is valid and sharing our experiences can be helpful and freeing and we can feel less alone in the unravelling process.
Find out more here, or sign up to receive emails about upcoming groups and courses here.
'Foraging for the Soul' is about my forays into nature to connect with my soul, with the wild and with the great mystery that I call God.
I love to retreat and spend time in nature. To forage wild food and for spiritual sustenance and nourishment in the natural world. I write about my findings from the hedgerows, cliff tops, beaches and woodlands here in West Cornwall. Using the book of nature, known by early saints as the first bible, to nourish the body, mind and soul.